Jake’s background is not in art, but in metal fabrication. He started his creative journey in architectural metalwork and his first public art sculpture just kind of fell in his lap. Since then he has made over 24 public art pieces.

Jake’s beautiful sculpture, “Buffalo Blome” is one of the newest additions to the Buffalo Creek Art Center’s Sculpture Park.

“I was very excited and very nervous when I heard that I had the opportunity to attend the residency at BCAC. I didn’t even really know what a residency was at the time I said yes, I just knew I was given the chance to build another sculpture and I wanted to try it. I felt like it was a good opportunity to try out some new techniques in an environment that would allow me to completely focus on the work without my normal daily distractions. After just two days, I knew the experience was going to be life changing. Steve and Lana were gracious and engaging hosts, and Bill and Mel, who manage the onsite day to day operations at BCAC, were amazing, both professionally and personally. BCAC is set in a beautiful and peaceful mountain valley setting which fueled creativity and allowed me to really focus on the sculpture. When issues popped up, it was easy to clear my head by walking through the sculpture park and trails throughout the property. After 20 years of putting materials, tools, and supplies in the same spot every day at my studio, I was apprehensive of trying to build a large sculpture in an unfamiliar shop, but although it was very different from mine, the shop was large, well lit, and well stocked. After it was all said and done, I feel that being out of my comfort zone there forced me to explore and learn new solutions to common design and fabrication hurdles. The aspect of the residency that I feel benefited my art journey the most however, were the other artists at the residency, including the host Steve Hardy. Daily conversations with these extremely talented artists from many different disciplines were life changing. Learning about their backgrounds, processes, techniques, approach to business and sales, other residencies, etc. was eye opening and I have so many notes from these conversations to follow up on. The friendships and professional connections I made there will last a lifetime. Without a doubt, this was one of the best things I’ve ever done and I want to give a big Thank You to the team at BCAC who make journeys like this possible!”

– Jake Balcom

Artist’s Interview