Patrick is Assistant Professor of Sculpture and Integrated Media at the Gwen Frostic School of Art, Western Michigan University. He received is BA in Studio Art in 1997 from the Gustavus Adolphus College in 1997 and his MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2005. He received a Fulbright Scholarship to study Art in China in 2012 and 2013.

Patrick’s project at BCAC is an amazing intricate metal sculpture, the “Beast of Future Past” which is now part of the Buffalo Creek Art Center Sculpture Park.

“Before I arrived at the residency, what really stood out to me was the long list of very dedicated artists who had spent time there and, in many cases, contributed a sculpture to the park. It seemed to me to be a unique way to have a conversation amongst practicing artists. The park is a permanent but evolving collection of experiments and different artistic philosophies, connected by an appreciation of object-making.

It was wonderful to arrive at the residency and be able to start working the very first day. The studio facilities are awesome, as well as efficient, and the residency structure is very supportive of the unique aims of individual artists. With relatively few distractions, and a gorgeous natural environment, I found it to be an energizing space that could absorb whatever work the artists can throw at the task. I also felt that there was time in that setting to get to know the folks at the residency through the work in a very natural and unforced way. The conversations and commonality were an amazing asset and I am very thankful for that component as well. Altogether, it was a very positive experience and I was surprised by what I was able to accomplish in a month.”

– Patrick Wilson

Artist’s Interview