Timothy was born and bred second generation New Mexican artist. Over the last twenty-five years he has been in shows in New Mexico and across the country. His primary medium is metal; forged steel, sheet metal fabrication, bronze casting and repousse, although he has also done wood-carving and sculpture in other media. His work could be called contemporary classical, as he has always had an interest in figurative work and otherwise using nature as a model. While at Buffalo Creek Art Center Timothy made two wood sculptures.

“The Buffalo Creek Art Center residency was an amazing experience. It gave me the chance to focus on things I hadn’t been able to do in my home studio. I loved working in a shop that was spacious and open, well-lit, with all sorts of great equipment. It was phenomenal. Steve was super accommodating and helpful. I had a chance to use tools I never get to use. I got to focus on woodcarving instead of working in clay for casting. There were great work spaces inside and out.

For me one of the biggest things about this was the other people and having a chance to talk to other sculptors. Being a sculptor is to be in a somewhat isolated world. So, this was a chance to compare notes, to connect to other people who are living that life. We talked about our different approaches, there were technical and philosophical conversations as well as time to bond as people. We were able to immerse ourselves in a way I don’t normally get to do.

Beyond all that, there were just a bunch of super nice people there. Steve, Lana, Bill, and Mel were awesome. I feel like I made new friends. In addition to that there’s the fact of being in this beautiful place. The grounds are beautiful, there are deer and rabbits, robins, blue jays and hawks all the while looking across this verdant valley bordered by beautiful mountains.”

– Timothy Hooton

Artist’s Interview