Working primarily with steel and stainless steel, Zach VanBecelaere uses a variety of metalworking techniques to manipulate materials into new forms. He incorporates welding used for harsh texture, high mirror polished finishes, and patinated rusted finishes to create contrast and duality in his work. His work stems from a fascination with the natural processes of growth and decay while exploring the relationship between the two. Zach’s contribution to the Buffalo Creek Art Center is “The Thought Knot” a steel and stainless steel welded sculpture.

“The BCAC residency I was fortunate enough to attend far exceeded any and all expectations. When I heard about it and saw the property online, I knew I wanted to be a part of it, but nothing online can prepare you for how breathtaking it is in person. Everyone from Steve, Lana, Bill, Mel, and groundskeepers all are unbelievably welcoming, helpful, and above all, generous. Having the space and capabilities to focus on whatever you want to make, in the most beautiful setting, goes unmatched. It’s good for the soul. If you are fortunate enough to be able to go, run.”

– Zach VanBecelaere

Artist’s Interview