Don is a self-taught artist from Australia. His unique sculptures are fabricated from plywood and finished with a very cool texture and paint that he invented.

“The highlight of my creative life so far has definitely been my 4 week residency at Buffalo Creek Art Center.

The hospitality we received from Steve and Lana at their ranch has been really warm and friendly. The facilities and accommodation there are exceptional and we had all the comforts that you need. The setting for the ranch is absolutely stunning with snow-capped mountains in the background and in the foreground a massive fertile valley which is breathtaking.

The “state of the art” woodworking studio has been a dream to work in, every possible machine you could want and every hand tool available, I have loved working in there.

I would also like to thank Bill and Mel, the caretakers of BCAC for their friendly day to day help and for inviting us to their family 4th of July celebration, it was a great night and it was nice to meet some local people.

A final thank you to Steve for selecting me as one of the 14 sculptors for 2019, I will be forever grateful.”

– Don Barrett