Laura Buchan completed her Bachelor of Arts in 2007 from Western Oregon University, where she studied Sculpture and Printmaking. Since graduating she has worked full time as a wood sculptor where her process investigates forms found in nature and anatomy. While at BCAC LB finished four stunning wood sculptures for a gallery show when she returns to Washington.

“Buffalo Creek Art Center was an amazing experience. The staff, grounds, house, and shop were all wonderful. As a wood sculptor, it can be challenging to find residencies that offer appropriate facilities to create my work. Buffalo Creek Art Center has a large, beautiful woodshop with natural light, high ceilings, and outdoor work spaces. With no requirements or commitments to distract me, I was free to truly explore, create, and work uninhabited by any external forces. The most valuable part of the residency was the chance to spend time with other folks working in 3D. It was like hanging out with a whole group of people that spoke my language. Brainstorming, talking shop, bouncing ideas off each other, and being exposed to new materials and other ways of building things was invaluable. Thanks so much to Steve Hardy for the experience. It was awesome.”

– Laura Buchan