Laura Kishimoto is a furniture designer, sculptor and graduate of the Rhode Island School of Design. Her specialty is complex bent laminated wooden sculptures. While at BCAC she made a series of models and began one large wooden sculpture.

“At Buffalo Creek Art Center I felt freed up from the daily anxieties of deadlines, clients, and money. I was able to experiment without fear of failure. In fact, failure became a welcome part of my design process since I had the luxury of time and improvisation. Normally I create sculptural furniture that is intended more as a statement piece than for daily use. Steve encouraged me to make the leap to pure sculpture during my residency which has long been an ambition of mine. Though it was intimidating to shed the familiar restrictions of furniture making, I feel BCAC created the ideal insular environment to explore this transition.

Steve has created an artist’s oasis. I greatly enjoyed sharing shop space with him and living with five other residents over the course of my six week stay. Meeting these five artists in the prime of their careers was the highlight of my experience. It was invaluable to hear how they built up their businesses and developed their aesthetic. Being able to observe the personal rituals of each artist and witness the intimate process of an idea being brought into reality was an unparalleled inspiration. I came away with the realization that being an artist does not necessitate a struggle for survival. It is very possible to prosper and lead a balanced life.”

– Laura Kishimoto