Yoko is a self-taught ceramic artist whose art is designed to convey human complexities It is an invitation for the viewer to take a journey of self-reflection. At BCAC Yoko finished a beautiful female ceramic sculpture and worked with Jake Hebbert in mold making.

“This residency was like a dream that has come true. I believe the focused time to work on creations, well-equipped studios, and thought-provoking conversations with other artists all contributed to make my stay pleasant and rewarding. I made a medium-sized full-figure sculpture during the first part of my 4-week residency. The reminder of my stay was spent, learning to make silicon molds and to weld. Using the newly learned techniques, I made small garden ornaments. Fellow residents’ perseverance encouraged me to work harder. They had become my like-minded friends with similar aspirations. I valued the friendship, and I hope to continue to nurture it.

Thank you Steve, Bill, Mel, and John for their support.”

– Yoko Tenyoh Sugawara